What should I report?

Users that proudly espouse transphobic rhetoric should be reported. Some cases are more open and shut than others.

The following are examples that are by themselves enough to warrant a report:

  • "Trans women are male/men" and "trans men are female/women"
  • "There's no such thing as trans, there's just mental illness"
  • "It's simple, men have a penis and women have a vagina. There's only two genders."
  • "When is the trans genocide coming?"
  • Speaking about trans people pathologically, such as terming them groomers, fetishists/autogynephiles (AGPs)
  • Any transphobic meme or graphic image targeting transgender people for the purpose of fomenting hatred.
Transphobic tweet saying transgender women are men, amongst other things


If multiple tweets paint a picture together, report them all (you can report multiple tweets for a single account.)

What are some things that I should avoid reporting?

Be careful when reporting a user based on a single tweet. If you're not sure, right-click on their name and select Soupcan -> Search tweets... to bring up more examples that might be better to report someone for.
There are situations where just going off a single tweet is invalid:

  • The user is making a joke or parodying TERFs, and it's clear that they don't actually believe that.
  • When the tweet isn't clear to understand. There may be a translation error or a misunderstood meaning.

How should I treat bios, likes and retweets?

A bio by itself can be sufficient for a report, if they are a self-declared TERF, and/or use transphobic symbols or abbreviations such as LGB minus TQ, or any of the same reasons you can report a tweet for.

In the reason box, just write Bio: and copy and paste their entire bio into the field.

Bio of someone saying trans women are men, trans kids don't exist, and TERF Agent 49249

Do not use likes as an indicator.

Do not use retweets as an indicator unless there are no other reportable tweets.

What do I put in the report?

The default is to link the tweet and add the tweet text in. If there is an image attached, briefly describe it (if it contributes to the report.) This is sufficient unless you need to add more context, such as in this case where what it is responding to is important for the full picture.

Response tweet saying MEN to the question 'Transwomen are (blank)'


Report tweet that includes the tweet plus an explanation that it's in response to the phrase 'transwomen are (blank)'.

How I add context.

Anything else I should know?

  • You can see the reasons that people reported someone by clicking the reason at the top right of the bio/profile.
  • Trans people can also be transphobic. Base reports on the content of their tweets, not their identity.
  • Appeal users you find marked that you don't think are transphobic.
  • Give benefit of the doubt and consider there are people who are ignorant and may use the wrong language, but are not necessarily transphobic.